HOME: DIY Dressing Table + VIDEO!!
15:21Hello all, OH I'm so excited for this post. I've been wanting to post it for ages but I couldn't because some others were up first but HERE IT IS! Finally! So this post will be about, well obviously, my dressing table. And as you can read from the title, it'll include a video. YAY. The video will give you some inspiration on how to decorate and organize your dressing table. It's the first time I ever tried making a video and uploading it to actual YouTube so bear with me if the quality of it all isn't as good as the videos you'd normally watch on there.
Well then, about the dressing table. A couple of months ago I had to move back to my parents. All the furniture I had is now stored in the garage since I don't really have my own place or room in the house, nor will my stuff fit in any of the rooms. So the first couple of weeks I'd just take my make up bag from and to the bathroom and it got me a bit annoyed. We don't really have a counter in the bathroom so I didn't have a lot of space to put down all my stuff. And, let's be honest, I'm lazy as hell so I don't really like doing my make up while standing. This got me to the point where I really wanted a make up table. Now I would have loved to buy one, but as this is only temporary, I didn't want to risk buying one that won't fit into my new house and thus wasting a lot of money on it. So I decided to make my own.
Now I'm not very handy, but I also don't have two left hands and I think this was actually really, really easy. It's also quite cheap, I think it only cost me around 30 euros, but that's because my father already has a lot of wood in his garage that I could use for this.
I started this by going into the garage and searching for wood I could use and how I could do it. After I decided what I could use and what I still needed I went to the do-it-yourself store. I bought some extra wood, the paint in the color I wanted my dressing table and some angle bars. I sawed all the wood that I needed in the right measurements, polished everything to get it ready to paint. Painted everything with a layer of primer, polished again and painted everything in the color I wanted. Then I screwed everything together. And all was done. There I had my own, home made, relatively cheap dressing. I know this isn't the best dressing table that's out there but at least you'll be very very proud every time you take a seat at it.
Obviously I've asked some advice from my dad and he helped with some things but other than that I didn't use any tutorials or anything. If you do want to make your own dressing table as well and want a tutorial or just some more inspiration, then I've found some inspirational stuff on Pinterest here, here, here and here.
And then all the fun starts, really. You get to decorate and organize your dressing table. Now, I'd like for my dressing table to have only the essentials that I use every day. I have my go-to make up on there. My brushes, beauty blenders and my hair brush. My cleansing stuff, moisturizers and daily masks. A large mirror and a small hand mirror. And, obviously, some fun, decorative bits. We've come to the point of my video now, I'm so excited for you guys to see it. Watch it if you're looking for any kind of organization and decoration ideas. I hope it'll be helpful and fun.
I hope you enjoyed this post and it might inspire you to make your own dressing table as well. Let me know in the comments how you like your dressing table.
Love, Ilona