Get to know me
17:49My very first blog post! How exciting! I thought it'd be fun to start with a nice introduction post. Obviously you could also check my 'About me' page, but here you'll probably learn a bit more about me. I could just type out my whole life story but that doesn't really seem fun now, does it?
So, I wrote some lists. It's not much, but I think it'll give you a bit of an insight on who I am. Let's start with the first, and shortest one. My dreams list.
- lots of traveling
- going to many concerts
- living in a foreign country
- having a nice and decent apartment for myself
- being an active blogger
- english, always english
- spanish
- french
- photo editing
- video editing
- web design
- being able to work with Photoshop, Indesign, etc.
- interior styling
- food styling
- photography
Last but not least, a list of stuff that I really like. Obviously I didn't include every single thing I like, but these are just the main things that keep me busy when I'm not at work.
- flowers
- make up
- light colors, light paintings, anything fresh-looking
- music
- cooking and baking
- series and movies
- driving around
- shopping
- blogging on tumblr
- writing
- visiting ikea
- daydreaming
- typewriters and other vintage stuff
- warm-scented candles
- photographs
- notebooks
- magazines
- fairy lights
Oh, and if you want to follow me on tumblr, you can find my blog here.
I hope you enjoyed this first post and learned a bit more about me. Leave any thoughts in the comments, if you want.
Love, Ilona